We Buy Precious Gems – But How Can You Tell if Your Gems Are Precious?

We Buy Precious Gems – But How Can You Tell if Your Gems Are Precious?

It’s a fair query, and at GNJ Pawn Big, we come across it frequently. Why do diamonds frequently outperform other stones in value but not others? Does it have anything to do with the natural availability of the stones or the laws of supply and demand? Let’s get started because this is a fascinating topic.

Gems: Precious vs. Semiprecious

The terms precious and semiprecious were once used to categorize gems, with the former being the more expensive ones. However, because these are archaic terminology that might be difficult to understand, gem specialists no longer employ them. While garnets, which have historically been regarded as semiprecious yet are valued 10 times as much as diamonds, are contrary to the conventional wisdom that diamonds are precious.

Colored Stones vs. Diamonds

Putting gems into categories like diamonds vs. colorful stones is a more contemporary method to distinguish between them. Since diamonds are very hard jewels and need specialized instruments to cut, they can be divided in this manner. Colored gems are easier to work with. However, since there exist both colored diamonds and stones with no color, such colorless sapphire and topaz, this categorization scheme is also somewhat difficult. Diamonds are virtually always available (contrary to what their corporate marketing teams would have you believe), but colored gems are sometimes far more scarce.

Natural vs. Artificial

Gems can be categorized as both man-made and natural. Those that are artificial have been created in labs; for instance, spinel, sapphires, and emeralds are frequently constructed of synthetic materials. The artificial versions closely resemble the natural ones and frequently mimic them. A natural gem is often millions of years old, but a man-made gem is considerably younger and hence less expensive. The difference is their rarity. To differentiate between naturally occurring and artificially created stones, scientific testing is frequently necessary.

Inorganics vs Organics

Additionally useful is the division of diamonds into organic and inorganic varieties. Organic denotes that living things were involved in the formation of the diamond. For instance, oysters produce pearls, and tree sap is the source of amber. All other gems that are produced as minerals are considered inorganic jewels. However, there is one significant exception in the United States: lab-created jewels are still regarded as inorganic since they were created outside of nature, despite the fact that they were manufactured from organic components.

Clarified and Amorphous

The last method of categorizing gems is by dividing them into crystalline and amorphous groups. Amorphous gems lack a defined form or shape, whereas crystalline gems adhere to a regular, recurring pattern of crystals. Amorphous gems include amber and opals.

How Do We Value Gems?

You now understand that a gem’s value is influenced by a wide range of factors, including its rarity, size, origin (natural or artificial), condition, and a great deal more. Bring your gem in to our appraisers at GNJ Pawn Big to get a precise estimate of its value. We specialize in precious gems, so we’d be pleased to take a look and offer you an accurate estimate.